Coffee Morning and Community Library notes…

At last, it was warm enough to set up the Coffee Morning outside and that is where everyone chose to be. A beautiful late Spring /early Summer morning but still very breezy and we lost one of the flower vases, which blew over. It was good to see some new faces and to welcome some new borrowers to the library.

In addition to coffee, cake, badminton, books, jigsaws, 500 draw, good friends and new neighbours and the Parish Council chairman, we also had a Police presence which is an unusual occurrence. They were warning about a spate of car thefts and break-ins in Pett and Pett Level and handed out posters asking us to be careful with our car security and to check that any CCTV cameras we have are fully functional. And operational. If you have such a device, now would be a good time to check it. (And thank you from those of us who do not have one.)

It is also good to know that the new jigsaw library system is working well, as evidenced by our jigsaw enthusiasts. So, just to remind you, Pett Puzzles is still managed by Jane Sweaney but is now to be found in the upstairs room at the Village Hall. Please be sure that you sign out and log back in any puzzles that you borrow. And please be respectful of anyone else using the main hall when you go through to access the stairs.

Almost all of this happens again on Wednesday 5th July, 10 - 12.

Our Book of the Month for June is by Tracy Rees - Darling Blue, a historical novel. The story spans a year starting out on Blue's 21st birthday in the Summer of 1925. Set in London, it is well-researched, covering a wide range of topics of the time, but the research is elegantly absorbed into the storylines. This tale touches on the challenges of some of those who have returned from the front lines, PTSD, post-natal depression, the 1926 general strike, sexual uncertainty, marital love, the changing structure of society, poor housing conditions, fashion and architecture amongst other elements. These are all woven in to a story full of interesting characters (most of whom walk everywhere) and which is atmospheric right to the end, "A cocktail shaker . . . how thoroughly modern!" says Blue's father on her 22nd birthday. A long book, but a real pleasure to read.

We look forward to your company again on 5th July.

The Coffee Morning Team

Christopher Lewis

Studio Lewis is run by Christopher Lewis, a freelance graphic designer working in Lewes, East Sussex. Please feel free to get in touch.

Coffee Morning and Community Library notes…


Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning: 30 September 2022